Friday, January 2, 2009

Training full on

Have made the effort and committed to training with my middle distance friends.
Monday pm: weight training
Tuesday pm: track
Wednesday am: run/walk
Thursday pm: track
Friday: maybe rest depending on how I feel
Saturday: social run or comp
Sunday am: Track

My next competition is State Pent. on 14 Feb so I need to put the work in now or just let myself down again.
Training is mostly running at the moment as that is my weak legs and will concentrate back on my thowing over the last 3 weeks.
I am feeling stronger every day & happy to be finding some of my enthusiasm back. I never really lost it but just felt to be cruising along with no real direction.
The best thing I have done is get a coach back again & have a goal at every training session.
Will have a test run tomorrow morning at the 800m so that will be interesting. Its our club handicap day tomorrow so will do 800, 60, 100. & 400. I usually try to do all events just for the fun of it. But thinking about an 800 & a 400 may not be too much fun.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 1

Day 1- Training done 1/12 hrs Sunday morning in extreme heat. I trained by myself as all the others were doing sprint stuff. I did 8 x 200 rather slowly between 48 & 55 seconds and joined the group for a 400 sprint jog train which really finished me off. Did some discus which was Ok and Jav which was disgusting. Don't know whether it was the heat or just me. But at least I got through it.
I haven't taken any supplements for the past 2 days and maybe that is why I'm feeling so lethargic today.
Off to visit some family in Brisbane this arvo which will mean a few drinks. I don't drink too often, and I enjoy a drink but just hate the effect it has on my body the next day. No one is twisting my arm so I know what the answer to that one is!

My first goal is to lose the 4 extra ks of fat I have found and get back to 60Kg. There is no way I can perform the way I want on the track carrying that much extra twice around.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snap out of this

Over 2 months since my last post. I know I have been in some kind of limbo lately but that is ridiculous. Time to snap out of this. If you don't make the best of what you have now you can end up just wishing things were different and basically wasting precious time and getting nowhere. What's brought this on? A reality check I guess. Despite still being optimistic I just seem to be going round in circles and not achieving anything (or so I think). Well a diffrent approach can't hurt and nothing to lose.

I am surrounded by so many good people who are able to help that I just need to take their lead and run with it. I have been running up front by myself for far too long and I am totally over it. I am going to sit back listen & follow for a while and when the time is right I will be out in front again.

First step is to get my body back to fit & healthy again. No use tackling other issues if I don't feel good about myself. I am not waiting until after Christmas, right now is the time to start.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Team 4 x 800

This photo is of Petrina on the left Karen ,middle and myself after our 4 x 800m relay earlier this year. We were in the younger age group 30 - 39 due to Petrina being younger than us. You can bring the oldies (me) down to run but can't come up which makes sense.

Still on track

So far this week everything on track.
Morning cardio - run 30 mins - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Rested Wednesday as was feeling a slight niggle in the calf and did not want to aggravate it again. It was fine this morning after my run.
Food has been probably about 80% on track so am OK with that.

I have taken on some extra 'paying' work. I guess spending 3 hours a night x 3times a week doing physical work is helping burn the extra calories. Beats sitting in front of the computer all day if nothing else. Got to look on the bright side! No use complaining, I figure that if this is what I have to do to get by then so be it.

Have also linked up with another amazing woman who also has so much energy and motivation to succeed in her businesss. I just love spending time with her as we always seem to bounce ideas off each other and nothing is impossible. You really do need that contact with other like minded people.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

training done

Actually trained on the track today. Managed 2 decent 400's without any further injuries so was happy with that. Still haven't decided which way to go with my training.
My calf injury is good but still have the hammies and also something is not right with my right arm. Thats next on the agenda.
Step 1 is to get my eating back on track so I can at least feel right.
Step 2 is to take it slowly.
I will compete in the Pan Pacs but not going to stress out too much as i know I am a long way from being fit as I would like it.

I will try for more cardio as only managed one proper run last week.
So for next week it is in no particular order:
Cardio - at least 5 days
Stretching every day
Food right choices every day.

Lets just see how this goes.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I must learn to put my plans on paper. I have so many ideas going on at the moment nothing is happening. Well not really nothing, but I really have to have some more order in my life.

Everything is moving along on the business side of things. Although it is still slow I am finally beginning to see some good possibilities for the future. I have decided to take on a second job to create a bit of cashflow. Its just one of the things i have to do if I am to realise my goals.

I have eased of on training over the last few weeks due to injuries. But I am managing to work a little around them but not anywhere near where I would have liked to be. Have also easily managed to increase the kilos much to my disgust. Although my weight is 63.5kg I know I have increased the fat % by heaps.
I have entered the PAn Pac games which is 6 weeks away so that gives me a short term goal to smarten up. I had a bit of a run out on my injuries today and came through OK so happy with that. Wasn't so estatic about the lack of cardio fitness that has dropped off since I have not been running. hopefully I will regain that sooner rather than later.
There is a stoem brewing at the moment so time to leave the computer.